速報APP / 健康塑身 / Hello Gorgeous!

Hello Gorgeous!





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Hello Gorgeous!(圖1)-速報App

Hello Gorgeous! is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization that provides complimentary, professional makeovers and cosmetic education to all women battling all cancers. We create an experience for these women beginning with a nomination by family and friends that if chosen, includes surprising her with flowers, chocolates and a big “Hello Gorgeous!” She is pampered with spa services such as manicure, pedicure, facial and seated massage, as well as instruction in new makeup application and hair care (or hair substitution) methods advantageous to her individual issues, helping many times to:

Appear much less affected by her treatments

Strengthen her confidence

Empower her to feel more acceptable to the public eye

Hello Gorgeous!(圖2)-速報App

And, more importantly, more acceptable to herself

Before departing, we make certain the Gorgeous Woman understands how to reproduce her new look on her own. She is given a supply of the cosmetics, skincare and nail products used to complete her services that day. And all this is done for the Gorgeous Woman at no cost. She pays for nothing.

In order to help more women battling cancer in Michiana and other communities, we have begun the Salon Affiliate program, enlisting existing spa salons in different cities to be certified and perform (12) Gorgeous Visits in a 12-month period in their salon. Our goal is to certify 2 salons in each city of the United States in order to help 500,000 women each year.

Hello Gorgeous! is supported by public donation and by its fundraising efforts. Please visit our “Make A Difference” page to see how you can help us to continue bringing these service to those wives, mothers, sisters and daughters battling cancer.

Hello Gorgeous!(圖3)-速報App

Special App Features:

-Stay current with our latest events

-Easily nominate someone

-Find out how you can get involved with only a few clicks

Hello Gorgeous!(圖4)-速報App

-Locate our affiliates with navigation and contact info

-Send a voice message to someone with our "Voice Message" button

-Receive updates on the latest from Hello Gorgeous!

Hello Gorgeous!(圖5)-速報App